Tag Archives: friday

friends in low places

It hasn’t even really been a week and I’m already late to the party.

The party may be on the same level as a seventh grade dance at the local convent but none the less here are my views on the latest Internet craze.

In about a week, Rebecca Black has gone from some pimple popping teenage girl infected with Bieber fever to some pimple popping teenage girl infected with Bieber fever and a YouTube video with 58 million views and counting.

In case you haven’t seen the pubescent songstress’s work, consider yourself lucky.

She does deserve much of the criticism but there is the line. Wishing her to develop an eating disorder equals the line.

What has the girl done? Aside from making a terribly annoying song that will haunt you in your sleep?

On the surface, she damned us to an endless sentence of her vocal lesson on the days of the week. Deeper than that, she made an investment with  an unforeseen return rate to make Donald Trump envious.

With a check  to ARK Productions for a couple grand they produced a video that has been the topic of conversation on every radio morning show, Johnny Carson inspired time slot and office cooler from Atlanta to Seattle. More importantly she proved the power of viral videos and that reaching people isn’t always done with super bowl commercials and million-dollar budgets.

Hate all you want, but a million bucks in iTunes sales isn’t bad for a girl without a learner’s permit.

She also opened the door for parodies. While these parodies can be produced by any nit wit with access to a MacBook, some talented few are turning the heroin esque song into a tolerable three minutes.

This isn’t Mitch, Davis, Taylor or Weston’s first rodeo on the video sharing giant but it is a trash to treasure story this time.

Their covers are typically of songs I already enjoy such as The Dance, No Diggity and My Girl/Ignition/My Humps but making Friday enjoyable is an accomplishment worthy of storming the court.

At first, I thought I would hate Rebecca Black forever, but I guess if her “song” can get my friends some well-deserved attention then I am fine with it all. I just better not see some clip of Gundy’s phone going off during a press conference with Rebecca Black as his ringtone.

If you like their stuff, which I am sure you will, here is their channel.

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